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Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Southern hemisphere of Africa was FIRST inhabited by a group of people called San People. These people consisted of various indigenous hunter-gathers, whose territory spans Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Hunter-gathers are people who primarily hunter for food and lives their lives in the bush, hence the San People are also known as the Bushmen or Basarwa; but they prefer to be identified by their individual nations, such as Kung, IXam, Khomani, Khwe (Khoi, Kxoe), Naro, Haillom, Tsoa, Auen, Kua, Glui and Gllana.

Another group of people that might be considered the indigenous of Southern Africa are Khoikhoi people. The name Khoikhoi means "the real people" or "people of people" or "men of men". The reason behind their name might be because they have lived a different lifestyle as opposed to their co-inhabitants, namely the Bushmen or San people; the Khoikhoi people owned live stock and used agriculture for food as opposed to the Bushmen who were just hunter-gathers. As a result, the Khoikhoi people were able to live in large community and groups, because they were able to support that number of people collectively hence they called themselves "people of people", whereas the Bushmen were living in small groups. The Khoikhoi people originally they were from the north of Botswana and they migrated into South Africa via Kalahari and ended up in Western Cape. At a later stage roundabout 16th Century when European came to South Africa, they met the Khoikhoi people and coined them the name "Hottentots" in imitation the sound of the Khoekhoe language. After a while the Bushmen (San People) and Khokhoi intermarried and as a result a nation of Khoisan (Khoikhoi & San People) was born. The largest ethnic group of the Khoikhoi are Nama People and the other group is called Korana. The Nama clang comes from the Central of Namibia and other small group from Namaqualand, which is the today straddles the Namibian boarder with South Africa.  

Around the 5th century AD another group of people migrated into Southern Africa, eventually majority ended up in South African, and that group is called the "Bantu People". Bantu People are distinct from the Bushmen and Khoikhoi People. Their origin is from Niger-Congo. The Bantu People term is generally used to label about 300-600 ethnic groups in Africa who speaks Bantu Language. Today inhabit a geographical area stretching east and southward from Central Africa across the African Great Lakes region down to Southern Africa. Bantu People began their long series of migrations eastward from their original homeland in West Africa at the boarder of the eastern Nigeria and Cameroon. Their migration started from the West towards to the East into Central Africa and then down into Southern Africa passing through Congo, Angola and Zambia.

The Bantu Speakers arrived in South Africa in small waves rather than one cohesive great migration. Some groups, the ancestors of today Nguni People (the Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi and Ndebele) preferred to live near the coast. Others now known as Sotho-Tswana Peoples (Tshwana, Pedi and Basotho)settled in highveld, while today's Venda, Lemba and Shangaan-Tsonga Peoples settled in the North-Eastern area of South Africa . The Bantu People migration happened roughly over the period between 500AD to 1000AD Century AD. The most widely spoken Niger-Congo languages by number of the native speakers are Yoruba, Igbo, Shona and Zulu

The Bantu advanced into the indigenous homelands of the Khoisan and then they (Khoisan) were forced into a long retreat into more arid areas. but as time went by the Nguni People adopted some of the Khoi words and ended up clicking in their languages. Around the 18th Century the ethnic Bantu group called the Zulus, raised to power and took over most part of South Africa through the hands of Shaka. He initiated many military, social,cultural and political reforms, creating a well-organized Zulu state.

The Europeans Also had an interest in the Southern part of Africa. Their exploration or migration started round about the 15th Centurion AD. The British as well as the Netherland European experience their clash in trying to take over and rule the South Africa. Their epic and famous battle in the South African history it is called the Anglo-Boer War. The war began in 1899 and ended in 1902 with a peace treaty between the 2 sides. The Afrikaners surrendered to the British Crown, on the terms that the Afrikaners become self-governed but be also part of the British colony. Interestingly enough, one of the peace treaty clause stated that "Avoid discussing the native (black) enfranchisement issue until self-government had been given", in simple English: it was to avoid discussing the rights for black people to vote.

After the Afrikaners were granted the self-government, they later introduced the Apartheid practices. It made sense for the Afrikaners to institute Apartheid, because it was a game of numbers. In South Africa black people collective they outweighed the Afrikaners, then should the Afrikaners give black people a right to vote they will definitely lose every time. Hence Apartheid, as it means "segregation", the idea was to divide and conquer. The Afrikaners did what they had to do in order to survive and remain supreme in land of South Africa. Even though the method became inhumane and hated by all black people include some white people and other races around the world. Until such time when black people were given rights to vote in 1994, which then the governmental power changed from white to black and the apartheid laws removed. South Africa then became a Rainbow Nation where all race and national groups are treated the same under one democratic constitution. 

So the in essence the true natives of South Africa are the Bushmen, everyone else invaded and forcefully took up resident in the land not their own. Starting from the Khoikhoi to the Bantu People and then later the Europeans. Everyone had their turn in committing gross folly against the true natives of South Africa. but unfortunately the Bantu People thinks they are the ones who has a legal right to own South Africa, it is matter of maturity and learning that all people all over the world are given earth as their place of dwelling, no one has a right to claim a land as theirs, but all people must lean that we must all learn to share and live in harmony n this beautiful place of ours called "Earth", South Africa as a whole experienced injustice against humanity but not accepting one another.

Throughout the dark history of this beautiful land, South Africa is one of the most diverse country in the whole world. different races and national groups converging into one space and fighting own the land, just like dark clouds formation and unleashing a heaving storm and thunders, after the bad weather, the sun rises and the rainbow appears in the sky, so is the land called "South Africa"