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Monday, 9 June 2014

Money bought your own nominations


I know most people will call me a liar for this and I also know that recording companies will deny and dismiss my words.  I am here to show you reality, whether you agree or disagree this truth is disturbing to the comfort of your illusion.

Eyes Wide Open

In the early hours of the morning I couldn’t sleep due to body aches and I turned on my TV, Noeleen's show 3talk had a guest of honour DON LAKA. He was dressed modestly with a calm aura around him. My heart skipped a beat because he is one of the few legends of Jazz who understand the art of music. In the middle of the interview Mr Laka was asked a why he never entered any awards in South Africa let alone attend the award ceremonies in South Africa; I was expecting an answer that almost every South African musician would give i.e "I didn’t work hard this year" or "I was out of the country that week and couldn’t submit, or the classic one "I submitted late therefore couldn’t qualify. Don Laka simply said "I don’t enter awards in South Africa simply because the awards in this country do not open doors for you internationally, I have to pay a certain amount of money to be nominated and lastly the radio station that nominated me doesn’t even play my music therefore it is absurd for me to accept an award (if won) and yet my music is not played to the masses. That made my eyes pop out with shock.

Check On It

The South African awards were meant to be given to musicians who have worked hard to produced good music that has quality and substance and voted for by the people fairly but after Don Laka's statement, I questioned as to why the award ceremonies in South Africa practiced such an act of dishonesty. People think that the musicians are nominated by the judges who decide who worked hard and reaped the rewards (which is airplay and etc.). Paying your way into a nomination is simply wrong and dishonest and then we as the community have to vote for you to win! where are ethics in that. This means that most if not all have paid their way to recognition, it is clear, most if not all did not deserve to win because the board did not nominate them but themselves.
As to radio stations in South Africa who play 90% of international music and 10% of local or African music yet have the audacity to give you an award. I would be insulted as an artist because it feels like you are giving me a consolation prize for not giving me airplay and letting people decide for themselves whether or not my music is worth listening to.
if you think that was worse then you haven't heard nothing yet, winning an award in South Africa will not give you international recognition? SURPRISE! you are not worth a booking in United States, Europe or South America, why is that the case, well to me it seems like the organizers did not add value to these awards and create opportunities for thriving artist to break into the international market. For instance America introduces Lorde, they expose her to the masses nationally and internationally, she won a couple of awards and performed in some of those award ceremonies started travelling outside the USA for shows then finally she lands in South Africa to perform at the dome in front of a huge crowd, the South African media creates an enormous buzz around her to a point that it is part of your daily meal But when it comes to a South African artist like Simphiwe Dana You win an award and that is that; you remain locally with less publicity, less airplay, and a few performances in Africa yet you won an award.

Where Is The Virtue

As for me this industry was never clean and it will never be clean, Just like Don Laka I would rather win a Grammy or MTV award rather than a SAMA (South African Music Award), METRO AWARD OR MTN AWARD because I know I don’t have to pay my way to the awards. Indeed I say my music Is meant to last for years on end and yes it will be remixed and sampled and that for me defines truth in this art of song and rhythm LONGEVITY. Ask yourselves this my fellow South Africans- have we paved our way to success by our God given talents and wisdom or have we paved our way to success by money and short cuts.
I am awarded by the love and support of the masses and I am proud to say that I worked hard to get the kind of recognition I deserve and as I grow in this industry my music will grow along with me, and I will not pay my way into any nomination in South Africa or anywhere in the world. I don’t have to pay a music compiler for my music to be played on air, I will bring my music to the masses in my own way and get paid by the very same people at the end of each experience.
As Africans

What I am trying to say is that as Africans especially South Africans we don't have to buy our way into the nominations because we were taught by our parents to work hard and smart.  We should thrive to be clean in a dirty unfair industry,  we can get international recognition it is not impossible at all. My African musicians are beautiful and they atill have to dig deep in themselves to find the jewel in their gift of which they are intrusted with. And we as the masses should be patriotic about our music just like the Americans and Europeans are

Monday, 26 May 2014



I am all about Africa and it's glorious history, the rise and fall of our it, things that the movies don't show, events that the media don't report about when it comes to our continent. I then had my interests in ANGOLA and I thought something marvellous should be known about this country situated between Namibia,  Botswana, Zambia and the DRC. To my surprise all I found about this country was heartbreaking and sickening,  I cried bitterly deep inside and my body lost its strength, all I could feel was the kind of hatred I would feel twards a murderer or a thief.  I wanted to get on my knees and ask Jehovah why would he sit on his throne from heaven above and watch my brothers and sisters from Angola to suffer without end. Then I realised that it is not Jehovah's fault that Angola is barren but the foolishness of a greedy selfish wicked human being who thought was superior than any other race in that country and trust me my mates, Angola eeds unadulterated salvation.


Many of you just like myself thought that the name Angola was a name given by its residents; the truth is it wasn't. Just like many countries in Africa Angola too was named by the Portuguese who invaded (YES I SAID IT) invaded the country in 1575. No one knows what that country was called by its residents.  There is a well known proverbial saying " strip off the name and no one will know who you are", that is exactly what Portugal did to Angola STRIPPED OFF ITS NAME.
There is only one reason why the Europeans would invade Africa and that reason is resources. Angola had and still has its naturalresources such as petroleum in the Cabinda enclave, Diamonds in Luanda, Iron,  Phosphate, Bauxite, Uranium, Copper, Gold and Oil. Angola was one the wealthiest countriesand its sons and daughters were culturally wealthy too but overnight Angola the great fell. There was slave trade in Angola too, some slaves were transported to Brazil and the Caribbean and mostly to Europe and America,  these brothers and sisters of Angola were traded for arms,  yes my friends ARMS,  how sad it is to have your life traded for an AK47 or revolver that is SATANIC INDEED. Slavery went on for years in that country and finally it stopped BUT the trade was no longer international but national. The Portuguese  made the people work as slaves in mines, plantations and harbours to make them rich and mind you this was when the Portuguese conquered tribalism and placing a governmental structure in the country.
The importance of clan as a factor in the construction of identity is disappearing rapidly. Although the small Khoisan-speaking minority is not discriminated against by law, its position is extremely difficult and these people are marginalized in many respects. The closely interlinked political, military and economic elites may be seen as a distinct cultural group. The elites have a number of common characteristics but remain strongly divided and have profoundly different histories. Angola gasped for its freedom and finally gave it up for a lifetime.


Over half of the population is unemployed, and it is estimated that 70 percent of the people live below the poverty line. Hunger is a threat in many areas. As the usual economic activities are impossible in many regions, local food habits are hardly distinguishable. Coastal people include much seafood in their die and The farming sector has been neglected by the government and te war has made agriculture impossible in many areas. This is the degraded beloved neighbouring country of ours. Tribalism was substituted by European governance so that all of the resources are kept by the Portuguese the people are still slaves and will be slaves till Jesus himself gets inaugurated. No media reports about the country and every single one of the government officials in Angola are greedy and sell outs. CRY THE BELOVED ANGOLA.

Evryone is glorifying the illusion of Hollywood,  everyone is reporting about Jacob Zuma and his crooked ways,  everyone is weeping for the economy but no one and I mean no one is weeping for Angola,  no president is trying to intervene to build Angola. It seems to me that the hand of the elite has won and they own Angola and its precious natural resources

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


The Uneasiness of being dark skin toned

I was once a young girl who never worried about the colour of her skin, i never cared about the world's system of beauty all i wanted to do was to focus on being a child. My mother on the other hand did care about the system of this world when it comes to beauty. She used to come outside and call me while playing with my friends to check if i hadn't messed up my clothes or had sand on my long Afro plaited hair. My siblings and i knew that if i had sand on my hair or dirt on my clothes a rod would be put on me followed by a bath and a lecture about BEING A LADY OF HIGHER STANDARDS.
I was slowly growing up and i noticed that my mother and siblings were very light skin toned and that started to bother me day in and day out. My mother preached the importance of being light skin toned to her children. She would often say "stay out of the sun" , "Drink lots of water", "use these clinically approved skin lightening products to bring life to our tone. My mother's hatred towards dark skin pigmentation showed in all of her children but I was the most controlled because I was the least light and vulnerable.

Stripped Off By Apartheid

 My mother was born in the heart of BLACK DEVALUATION AND SLAVERY. She witness the cruelty of black people collectively. But what she really noticed was that light skin toned slaves were treated favourably whereas dark skin toned slaves were treated like monkeys. She was in a favorable position because of her light skin (since she is after all half black and half white), that on its own made my mother to be more determined to look lighter than she already was. My mother worked in a factory in Umtata In the Transkei and she had no trouble with the Dutch because she was light skinned, she had better pay because she was light skinned, she got accepted to a medical school without any doubt because she was light skinned, she was treated better by her school mates and lectures because she was light skinned and that led my mother to never say who she was and the history of her people. She distanced herself from her family members who were not light skin toned like she was. Over the years my mother's perceptions changed, little did she know that her psychological prison of being light skin would result in the death of self love and appreciation. Yes it is true that in South Africa coloured people were treated better than black people and that if you were born light skinned in your family, you had better chances of success an better treatment by the European class. My mother and many others too were the victims of self hatred because SKIN COLOUR MATTERS.

In War With The Demon Of Colour

I didn't experience European cruelty personally because i was protected from it but as to the effects of it thereof, I certainly did. I grew afraid everyday and my fear was being told by my mother that I am dark and ugly. I sought for ways to prevent my skin from produce melanin, one way or the other I refused to be dark. My friends in school would never believe that i am a mixed race because i wouldn't look like one, Boys would not see my beauty due to being covered in this dark pigment, I would not go to Europe to study Astronautics because the people in that country would not see me as a human being, I did not want to be associated with people who are darker skinned let alone hug them.
 I dated dark skinned guys because it made me look and feel superior. I would make an excuse for not going outside when sunny and I would lie about my skin conditions just to get hold of skin lightening ointments and pills. The prescribed ointment and pills worked but for a moment and I didn't care about the side affects as long as I get what I want. There more lighter I got the more my mother favoured me, I became her favourite and what was even better is that people believed me when I said I am a coloured. Truth be told I didn't understand why I thought lighter was better, I didn't understand why I hated myself for being dark, WHY, WHY, WHY. Then it dawned on me that i am fighting a battle my mother lost during apartheid, am fighting against the demon of self hatred, in this so called free country I am still a slave to the master of colour.

It Will Never Be Better

Today I am a grown woman in a sense that I know better and I have accepted the colour of my skin, but just like my mother I am in constant fear of being less lighter. Everywhere I turn and everything I see and hear still favours light skinned women, how so you ask, well I will tell you-a song sung by our black communities that says "ngwana o thswana le le khalati"(meaning our child looks like a coloured) so if you not light skinned like a coloured then you are not a beautiful bride, every eye shadow and lipstick suits you if you lighter but if you darker then you have to be selective of the kind of colour you have for makeup, if you are light skinned you can dye your hair blonde, red, purple or pink but if you darker skinned then all of these coloures are not suitable for you. Nikki Minaj, Li'l Kim, Beyonce, Mshoza, Kelly Khumalo and many others knows exactly how it feels to be a prisoner of beauty all in the name of being light skinned and adored by the world.
I am a work in progress and only God can help me love myself again, the burden of conforming to a "YELLOW BONE"society is suicidal to self love and acceptance. I don't blame my mother nor do i hate her for what she passed on to me and my siblings



Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Southern hemisphere of Africa was FIRST inhabited by a group of people called San People. These people consisted of various indigenous hunter-gathers, whose territory spans Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Hunter-gathers are people who primarily hunter for food and lives their lives in the bush, hence the San People are also known as the Bushmen or Basarwa; but they prefer to be identified by their individual nations, such as Kung, IXam, Khomani, Khwe (Khoi, Kxoe), Naro, Haillom, Tsoa, Auen, Kua, Glui and Gllana.

Another group of people that might be considered the indigenous of Southern Africa are Khoikhoi people. The name Khoikhoi means "the real people" or "people of people" or "men of men". The reason behind their name might be because they have lived a different lifestyle as opposed to their co-inhabitants, namely the Bushmen or San people; the Khoikhoi people owned live stock and used agriculture for food as opposed to the Bushmen who were just hunter-gathers. As a result, the Khoikhoi people were able to live in large community and groups, because they were able to support that number of people collectively hence they called themselves "people of people", whereas the Bushmen were living in small groups. The Khoikhoi people originally they were from the north of Botswana and they migrated into South Africa via Kalahari and ended up in Western Cape. At a later stage roundabout 16th Century when European came to South Africa, they met the Khoikhoi people and coined them the name "Hottentots" in imitation the sound of the Khoekhoe language. After a while the Bushmen (San People) and Khokhoi intermarried and as a result a nation of Khoisan (Khoikhoi & San People) was born. The largest ethnic group of the Khoikhoi are Nama People and the other group is called Korana. The Nama clang comes from the Central of Namibia and other small group from Namaqualand, which is the today straddles the Namibian boarder with South Africa.  

Around the 5th century AD another group of people migrated into Southern Africa, eventually majority ended up in South African, and that group is called the "Bantu People". Bantu People are distinct from the Bushmen and Khoikhoi People. Their origin is from Niger-Congo. The Bantu People term is generally used to label about 300-600 ethnic groups in Africa who speaks Bantu Language. Today inhabit a geographical area stretching east and southward from Central Africa across the African Great Lakes region down to Southern Africa. Bantu People began their long series of migrations eastward from their original homeland in West Africa at the boarder of the eastern Nigeria and Cameroon. Their migration started from the West towards to the East into Central Africa and then down into Southern Africa passing through Congo, Angola and Zambia.

The Bantu Speakers arrived in South Africa in small waves rather than one cohesive great migration. Some groups, the ancestors of today Nguni People (the Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi and Ndebele) preferred to live near the coast. Others now known as Sotho-Tswana Peoples (Tshwana, Pedi and Basotho)settled in highveld, while today's Venda, Lemba and Shangaan-Tsonga Peoples settled in the North-Eastern area of South Africa . The Bantu People migration happened roughly over the period between 500AD to 1000AD Century AD. The most widely spoken Niger-Congo languages by number of the native speakers are Yoruba, Igbo, Shona and Zulu

The Bantu advanced into the indigenous homelands of the Khoisan and then they (Khoisan) were forced into a long retreat into more arid areas. but as time went by the Nguni People adopted some of the Khoi words and ended up clicking in their languages. Around the 18th Century the ethnic Bantu group called the Zulus, raised to power and took over most part of South Africa through the hands of Shaka. He initiated many military, social,cultural and political reforms, creating a well-organized Zulu state.

The Europeans Also had an interest in the Southern part of Africa. Their exploration or migration started round about the 15th Centurion AD. The British as well as the Netherland European experience their clash in trying to take over and rule the South Africa. Their epic and famous battle in the South African history it is called the Anglo-Boer War. The war began in 1899 and ended in 1902 with a peace treaty between the 2 sides. The Afrikaners surrendered to the British Crown, on the terms that the Afrikaners become self-governed but be also part of the British colony. Interestingly enough, one of the peace treaty clause stated that "Avoid discussing the native (black) enfranchisement issue until self-government had been given", in simple English: it was to avoid discussing the rights for black people to vote.

After the Afrikaners were granted the self-government, they later introduced the Apartheid practices. It made sense for the Afrikaners to institute Apartheid, because it was a game of numbers. In South Africa black people collective they outweighed the Afrikaners, then should the Afrikaners give black people a right to vote they will definitely lose every time. Hence Apartheid, as it means "segregation", the idea was to divide and conquer. The Afrikaners did what they had to do in order to survive and remain supreme in land of South Africa. Even though the method became inhumane and hated by all black people include some white people and other races around the world. Until such time when black people were given rights to vote in 1994, which then the governmental power changed from white to black and the apartheid laws removed. South Africa then became a Rainbow Nation where all race and national groups are treated the same under one democratic constitution. 

So the in essence the true natives of South Africa are the Bushmen, everyone else invaded and forcefully took up resident in the land not their own. Starting from the Khoikhoi to the Bantu People and then later the Europeans. Everyone had their turn in committing gross folly against the true natives of South Africa. but unfortunately the Bantu People thinks they are the ones who has a legal right to own South Africa, it is matter of maturity and learning that all people all over the world are given earth as their place of dwelling, no one has a right to claim a land as theirs, but all people must lean that we must all learn to share and live in harmony n this beautiful place of ours called "Earth", South Africa as a whole experienced injustice against humanity but not accepting one another.

Throughout the dark history of this beautiful land, South Africa is one of the most diverse country in the whole world. different races and national groups converging into one space and fighting own the land, just like dark clouds formation and unleashing a heaving storm and thunders, after the bad weather, the sun rises and the rainbow appears in the sky, so is the land called "South Africa"





Friday, 14 February 2014


I came across an interesting article about a footballer by the name of Mario Balotelli, a famous AC Millan who Shed tears at a bench due to taunting racist Comments hurled at him. The coach told the public that is wasn't the racist comments that made the footballer shed tears but it was simply, I quote: " they were the tears of a sportsman", and also the English media are the ones who report such ridiculous accusations. And I also remembered the incident of Thierry Henry on the football pitch with his team Barcelona. He was one of the best players for the National French team and his skill was phenomenal.

 He was focused,  professional and his fans adored him (at least that is what I thought) but racism dulled the player; that showed on the field and little support was given to this player. Another incident which made me extremely furious was the Miss France 2013-2014 whose contestant and winner is Flora Conquerel got a full blow of being mixed race, this lady was defenseless and had to swallow every negative comment put up to her face. From the president of the beauty pageant in France a foe and to an ordinary citizen of Europe.
This then made me think, have we loved our neighbors as we have loved ourselves? Do we see royalty when you see a different skin toned person or do we see a worthless commoner? Do we hate ourselves to a point of hating everyone else who is mixed race or not your race at all

The history of the Cushite is dark and scary for all eternal existence in this presence system. We were slaves for more than 300 years to a more fairer supreme race. Our ancestors never knew true liberty so they would tell their children to never go against their master or else they would be tortured to a point of death. Some children had to see their parents being beaten for "disobedience" and some children  were permanently separated from their parents  due to the slave trading business. Now many centuries later a man or woman of colour bares the scars of their ancestors (call it a generational curse). Racism is Everywhere even in my Country (South Africa). You will hear politicians referring to a different race as "you people" or "these people" and the general fairer race will refer to black people as Kaffirs (which really means infidel in Aramic). This racial hatred was never dealt with and no amount of discussion will help heal a black person's disease of inferiority and slavery and no amount of psychotherapy will remove the darkness and hatred in your heart.

Religion often preaches about the second coming of Jesus the Christ and they do often say he (Jesus) will restore mankind to his former glory and that there would be a new earth (changed people) and a new heaven (Jehovah's government).
If that's the case, then I look forward to a racial free world, a world where love and appreciation abound, a world were no sin consumes the living soul to death.

We need to heal as a nation of the sons and daughters of Cush and experience the joy of loving who you are and the fairer nation needs to learn to love us as they love themselves,  because we have murdered one another time quote on quote time.


"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people. I have decided to stick with love, hate is too great of a burden to bear."


"But supose God is black? What if we go to heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro inferior and God is there and we look up and he is not white, what the is our response?"

Thursday, 30 January 2014

My Creator gave me Melanin


I sometimes get angry when I see dark skinned people (both men and women) being portrayed as ugly and undeserving of praise. The media goes to great lengths to promote light skinned women, portraying them as angelic,  pure, very beautiful and highly successful.
Americans pioneer the European way of beauty and we see that by promoting light skin beauty products every minute of everyday. And I would ask,  how many products do you know that promote dark beauty or rather enhance your darker completion? Probably 2 out of 10. And what about the commercials? Close to none. Instead of me bickering about commercials, beauty products and the media, i want to make you understand why we have melanin, why it is a blessing and not a curse and lastly make you see the beauty of Africans


Melanin is a complex polymer derived from the amino acid tyrosine. Melanin is responsible for determining skin and hair colour and is present in the skin to varying degrees, depending on how much a population has been exposed to the sun historically. melanin deposits determine the skin pigment which varies depending on the number and distribution of the melanosomes. Aside from determining skin colour, the light absorbent melanin protects the DNA against UV radiation from the sun, mind you that people had to move from one place to another to find food and a place for their herds. Some people moved to places where there was not much sunlight and that resulted to less produce of melanin but people who moved to places where they were exposed to the sun had to have melanin so that they would be protected from cancer and all sorts of skin diseases.

The exposure to the sun causes premature aging of the skin, hence people who have melanin to a certain degree experience a slower rate of aging, depending on the levels melanocytes. Even the light skin people produces melanocytes, hence when they are exposed to the sun their levels will increase and give the effects of tanning. In general light skin people experiences more skin problems than dark skin people, the mystery is in the protective layer of melanin.

Nature has equipped everyone of us in ways that we cannot comprehend. Beauty has never been determined solely by color, each color on its own is implicitly beautiful. Mankind has diverse skin color for a reason, deep down psychologically everyone of us has been wired to be pro diversity. 

There was an experiment that was conducted in a super market, where they put 2 bowl that contain sweets (smarties). In one bowl they only put smarties with one color and the other bowl they put a variety of colors. Then they put a label saying these sweets are free on both bowls. In about an hour, the bowl that had variety of sweets was finished by a huge margin compare to one colored sweets. That goes to show that our minds likes diversity. So what went wrong?

We all have been conditioned to accept lighter skin color and associate it with beauty, through slavery, media and advertisements, it is a case of pure social engineering. Our minds are no longer capable of appreciating the true sense of beauty beyond color and skin complexion.

As a result racism is a global phenomenon and also colorism among black community. Because of social engineering and conditioning, black skinned people in general have been conditioned to think that they are inferior to the white skinned people as a legacy of racism, black's have sort to change their appearance to be like European, throughout history black people have changed their hair to look like the Europeans and they also have removed their melanin to make their skin lighter, which is an aspiration to look like Europeans. It is a classical case of inferiority complex.  

Meanwhile the whites are tanning their light skin to gain melanin realizing the benefits of having melanin, on the other hand blacks are clinically removing their melanin not realizing the dangers of reducing their melanocytes.

There is a reason why a leopard has spots, a tiger have stripes and a lion having a solid color. They were created so.

Hence our creator asked a question:

"Can Cushite change his skin, or a leopard its spots?...." Jeremiah 13:23